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Great post!, Our politicians are willing to shutdown the government over 25% of our budget, while our presidential candidates vow to not tackle the major buckets of social security, Medicare, Medicaid or in one case not even tax social security benefits. All the while the world is catching on fire and the combination of too many politicians only caring about re-election and media exposure and bureaucracy in the US cannot seem to overhaul our defense and reinforce our critical infrastructure against cyber and other attacks. This will cause as a minimum a severe recession due to escalating global conflicts, at worst WWIII , nor do many of our politicians seem to care other than uttering words “China is a threat”. Duh!! As if words like that make a difference. Possibly restarting a Three Mile Island nuclear reactor 3 or more years from now, assuming NRC review and approval actually stops countless lawsuits and appeals, is major news, lots of headlines, wow! China building dozens and dozens of nuclear plants and exporting them too, and racing ahead in new nuclear technology is not news. Apologies for the rant!

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